Wednesday 18 April 2012

The beginning, and a little insight, I suppose

So as you may have already assumed, I'm a teenage girl with Aspergers syndrome.
I have created this blog to vent out all of my secrets and problems because as a teenager, almost none of my friends can be trusted. Its not that I mind, its just; being called names because of your past mistakes can really get on your nerves. I am not pretty, I am not very popular, But I have many friends and even though sometimes I may not feel very important to them, I feel very special that they are nice to me, and tell me their problems. What I also like is to help others. It may sound shallow, but I don't always like to help absolutely everyone. Anyway, I am a tag-along in a group of friends who have been together since primary school. I always feel left out because they have known each other for so long, and I have only joined them three years ago. Grade 9. This year I am in Grade 11. My first senior year. I have a very hard time to do my maths work and assignments even though so many are under the impression that Autistic people, and people with asd are just automatically good at maths. Its not true. I hate my maths teacher. Because everything needs to be a certain way, the way she talks annoys me. its like she has lost half of her tongue and she has a disability. I honestly think she has a disability. This scares me, because people with bad disability's worry me. Not because I think they are gross, or shouldn't be alive. I just wish better for them, and hope they don't go near me. Not because I am scared I will 'catch' their problem, it is because I am scared they will hurt me because they may not have control on what they are doing. My niche is music. I live and breathe it, it also helps me calm down when I get angry, which happens a lot when I am not sad. I play a few instruments and I own two guitars, one keyboard, and a drum kit. Because of school, and the fact that my ex boyfriend used to play the drums, I have gotten out of my way not to play them. This makes me feel bad inside because my mother paid 500 dollars for that drum kit, which for us, is a lot of money.

and if you have managed to read through my very complicated messy paragraph, congratulations for you, not many people can manage.

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